Friday, July 20, 2012

On doing what you love, and liking the people around you

They say the corporate world has no room for real friends, or genuinely liking the people you work with. You go to work on time, work your arse off, take your lunch break, have a smoke or two (for some), log out, and go home.

Most people do not have the privilege of being surrounded by, to put it bluntly, genuinely likeable individuals. Some people, you'd treat as friends, only to find out they're the ones behind the gun: pulling the trigger of bullets filled with hate and criticism.

What's funny is how most people who suffer this kind of disrespect, are those who aren't even in competition with others.

That being said: would you rather, do what you love even if your co-workers aren't really that loveable?

Or do work that you may or may not love 100%, but your co-workers are simply awesome.

It's a tough choice, and it's a matter of prioritizing what you love more: your career growth, or your sanity.

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