Friday, August 17, 2012

Breastfeeding woes

I think the day has finally come when I have stopped being in denial: I don't think my milk supply will come back...any time soon, that is.

It's quite depressing, because I've always wanted Laela to be breastfed, even for just a year. I've even invested in buying pump accessories for the Medela Swing pump that my friend Trina gave me, but to no avail; drinking Fenugreek, Malunggay capsules, Malunggay tea has done nothing. All I get are silly little trickles, and nothing more.

I've been researching online regarding breastfeeding woes, and I was encouraged because one website indicated that relactation is possible; so now I've been texting/emailing different support groups regarding breastfeeding, because I am really desperate to get my supply back --- problem is, Laela has refused to latch, and she gets frustrated when I try to 'force' her. I know formula-fed babies (such as myself, and my siblings) aren't necessarily worse than breastfed ones, but I just miss Laela and I bonding over that, even though it sucked a lot of my energy (pun, intended). I miss being in pain when I don't get to breastfeed... I miss rushing home because Laela has to breastfeed. :( not only is it beneficial emotionally, but mind you, formula is very expensive, and imagine how much savings we can generate, should we refrain from buying milk.

Hay, Lord. It's all up to You. I just really hope that I'll be able to get my milk supply back despite the stress I get from work and elsewhere :(

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